Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Happy and the Sad

I am completely amazed at how the week flies by with so many things happening.  The days are jam-packed so full and it would be so hard to describe them.  This week, as all weeks, has definitely had its high points and low points.  The happy first:

On Sunday, the Barrus family invited us to dinner--Jason and Kami who are from Layton.  They have been so good to us and blessed us in so many ways.  They are so devoted to the church, have a great family with five adorable children, and it's so fun to be around them.  At the end of the dinner, Glen left them with a message for the children, reading "My Purpose as a Missionary" to them from Preach My Gospel"  and then having them compare it to the Fourth Article of Faith.  The Spirit was there.

On Monday evening, we had the monthly senior family home evening at Pres. and Sis. Black's home--the mission home.  From left to right are the Conders, who serve with us at the office, Glen and I, and Sis. Young and Sis. McDonald, who serve at the employment center, next to us in the DI complex.  It was a wonderful evening as usual.  Pres. and Sis. Black work so hard!

On Tuesdays, district meetings are held in the mornings.  The zone leaders come in to the office after these district meetings to pick up supplies and turn in vehicle and many other reports.  The office is full and there is always a lot going on when they come in and it's always so fun to see them and talk to them.  Elder Wilkerson and Elder Herlin came in and told me that they needed a desk.  (Can you believe how often I have to go get desks?)  I told them to start praying now--they live far enough away from the mission office that it's hard for them to come very often.  We got to DI and looked in the usual places, but there was nothing.  I told them about one huge desk out on the floor that I was aware of, but told them it may be too big for their apartment.  They wanted to see it anyway.   When they saw it, they were completely overjoyed and said it was perfect!   Elder Wilkerson is so cute and animated anyway, and he was SO excited!  Success again! 

 The next day, two sisters called me in the morning and said they were desperate for a dresser.  They begged to have one THAT DAY because they hadn't been able to unload their suitcases from transfers because they had no where to put their things.  (Why didn't I know this earlier?)  I told them also to pray for a miracle and I would go to DI right then to look for one, knowing that dressers are just as hard to come by as desks, and then I would call them and tell them what I found.  There was the perfect size of dresser there!  I couldn't believe it!  I called them and they came over immediately in their car, hoping it would fit if they put the back seats down.  No amount of rearranging seats would allow the dresser to fit in, and they were quite disappointed.  I suggested they call their zone leaders to help them but they said they knew the zone leaders  couldn't that day.  I suggested calling the assistants, who have a truck.  They called, and the assistants said they could, but it would be about 9:00 that night before they would be available.  The sisters' disappointment was deepened.  Right at that moment a truck with Utah license plates pulled up to the pick up area, and inside was a couple who appeared to be in their 60's.  I went to the truck, introduced myself and exchanged pleasantries, and then asked how their day was going.  They said it was great.  I asked them if they would be available to provide service to the sister missionaries (who were standing 6 feet away).  They said they would be delighted and would do anything at any time for the missionaries.  They loaded up the dresser into their truck, followed  Sis. Garcia and Sis. Brady to their apartment about 20 minutes away and helped them unload it and set it up!  Are people wonderful or what?   We thanked the Lord for his tender mercy.  Two days later I received the following letter in the mail:

It was totally unexpected and brought tears to my eyes.  Especially the three words at the bottom! 
That same day a senior missionary came to the office from the Las Vegas Mission to show us how Google Earth can help us with ward and stake boundaries and how Glen can add his missionary apartments and houses to the program to help him with his work.  As they got talking, Glen felt a kinship and understanding with this senior missionary, who felt that some of Glen's responsibilities could be shared with others in the office.  We met with Pres. Black who concurred, and now the load has been lightened for Glen, which will really help him.  This meeting was an answer to prayer and a sacred event.    

Oh, how fun when the missionaries come into the office.  Here is Elder Perez, from Mexico, Sister Ali'ifua, a Samoan, Elder Lloyd, Sister Argueta from Guatemala--a sweet, dear, amazing missionary--sweet, like the other Guatemalans we know and love, Elder Barlow, and Elder Weaver.  How we love them!

I went with Sister Carr and Sister Dewey to the Relief Society General Meeting.  It was so great to be with them.  The meeting was SO good, and I loved the three principles that Sister Burton wanted to emphasize during her presidency:  one, that all things that are unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Two, there is  enabling power in the atonement to help us overcome the natural man.  Three, that the Atonement is the greatest evidence of  the Father's love for us.  I loved that--emphasizing the Atonement.  

We ended the day by going to the baptism of the family pictured in the center--a husband and wife and 10 year old son. They are solid.  It was in the Spanish ward of our mission, and to watch the missionaries in action was simply. . . awesome.  Two of the missionaries who spoke just came to the mission 8 weeks ago, and you couldn't believe their Spanish--it was a sight to behold.  (and hear!) This is Elder Brown, Elder Naranjo, from Columbia, Elder Tanner, Elder Diaz from Puerto Rico, and Elder Solis, from Mexico.  Elder Naranjo is here to be an English-speaking missionary.  What joy to see new people coming into the church!  The miracle of conversion is real, and the Latin people of Las Vegas are really adding to the strength of the church.  The bishop of the ward is a convert of 12 years and was amazing.

The sad part of the week is that we lost three missionaries to early departures.  I cannot express the sorrow that we feel because of it.  Because we have been here longer and know them more, it hurts more.  One of them we truly loved as he had helped us so much during our rough transfer week.  We've had true grief.  But to end on a happy note, today was fast and testimony meeting in our ward, and it was amazing.  Last week the teacher's quorum advisor challenged all the the teachers to fast and then bear their testimonies this week.  There are 12 in the teacher's quorum and 11 are active.  They were asked to fast for the one inactive member.  The teacher's quorum advisor bore his testimony first, a humble and sincere testimony, and then 10 teachers got up to bear theirs.  One teacher was out of town this week.  All of the teachers' testimonies were strong and deep, and it was evident that there is a closeness and unity in the quorum that was amazing.  Being at church is so inspiring and uplifting and it really strengthens us.  We're so grateful to those who bear their testimonies!


  1. What an eventful week! It's just non-stop for you guys! I love hearing about all the miracles that occur. The Lord is so mindful and aware of the missionaries; I love it. Hurrah for Israel!

  2. Oh, it's always so inspiring to read your blog Mom and to hear of all the amazing things that happen in the mission field! I loved the tender mercies about being able to find a desk and a dresser right when you needed them--and that a couple with a truck showed up at just the right time too! The Lord really is so actively involved in His work. I'm so glad the load has been lightened for Dad. Hopefully you guys will actually get to have real p-days soon. :) And how neat about the teacher's quorum! What an inspired leader. I hope I can be like that. We love you!! Oh, and Turin asked if he could marry you the other day.

  3. It sounds like the missionaries are growing to love you lots and you are growing to love them a lot. What wonderful experiences you are having. We love you!

  4. I had tears in my eyes when I read that sweet letter too! I am sure you have GREAT influence on those missionaries. My friends I see from high school - like Jonny Wood last week - still talk about how awesome you are. I'm sure those missionaries will remember you forever. What miracles you had with the furniture at DI and the truck pulling up right when you needed it! I love reading about your tender mercies. It gives me encouragement that I too can pray for tender mercies. It's good to hear that dad's load has been lightened. Maybe then you'll have more time for swimming! Love you!
